Sunday, September 28, 2014

Bad Hummus

Logan wanted pretzels and hummus for lunch yesterday.  He begged for it again at snacktime and had it with his dinner as well.  This afternoon, when I asked if he wanted hummus with his lunch, he said no, it doesn't taste good.  Since he'd eaten it at every meal for 24 hours, I was perplexed.  I looked over at the dining table and saw his bowl of hummus and few pretzels that were leftover from his dinner the night before and had been left out overnight.  I asked, do you mean that the hummus in the refrigerator isn't good or that the hummus on the table isn't good?  He replied, the hummus on the table.  So next I asked the question that I didn't want to ask: Did you eat the leftover hummus this morning?  ...yes.  The kid is an addict.

Thursday, September 18, 2014


The question below was on a paper Brody brought home this afternoon. I think he should get credit for his answer. No, it isn't correct according to the textbook, but for Brody, who struggles to make eye contact and communicate with people he doesnt know well, approaching a teacher DOES show courage.