Friday, June 29, 2012

Oh darn

This morning as we arrived at Shahnaz's house, Logan exclaimed "Oh darn! I forgot to bring a toy."  As I looked at him in astonishment that he'd just used the word darn, he gave a little laugh and said under his breath, "...I said darn."  There are worse things he could say, I suppose.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Mutton chops...?

Dinners with mama

Dada is at the movies tonight and we have a house full of leftovers to eat for dinner. We pulled out all of the tupperware from the fridge and my boys chose to eat pasta, crackers, cheese, olives, and cherries. It's a classic "Becca dinner". Grab whatever is in the fridge and enjoy it. It may not be a gourmet dinner like they're used to from Dada, but judging by the cherry stains all over both boys, they definitely did enjoy it.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


As a fanatic of the Cars movie, it was only fitting that Logan's first movie theater experience was Cars 2. We were in Pawley's Island, SC with the Plummer family and the women thought they'd give the men a break by taking the kids out to a movie. We were outnumbered 2-1 and doing our best to keep the kids happy with popcorn and candy. The first image Logan saw on the big screen was a preview for Pixar's movie, Brave. Since the movie was still a year from release, they didn't have a full trailer at the time. Instead they introduced the movie with a big bear, standing on it's hind legs growling and snarling with the camera angle looking up at the bear as if you were underneath him and he wanted to eat you. After 10 seconds of that, the screen went to black and the word Brave appeared. The theater was silent... except for the voice of two-year-old Logan screaming "SIT WITH YOU!!"
He spent the rest of the movie in my lap, covering his eyes when appropriate, but thoroughly engrossed in Cars 2. He loved it.
I'm seeing full trailers for Brave now and wondering if Logan could handle seeing the movie in the theater. If the title of the movie suggests that bravery is involved, we may have to skip this one. At least while it's in the theater.

Friday, June 15, 2012


Every "stay-home day" (weekend), Brody and Logan race into our room at 7am, the time that we allow them to wake up.  They know that on weekends they're allowed to watch TV and want to get an early start.  Unfortunately for Jacob and me, we want to sleep on weekend mornings, so we're forced to try to continue to sleep with the sounds of Transformers, Super Hero Squad show, and Spiderman in the background.  Sometimes Logan will even climb up on our bed and drape himself across me, a move that I've successfully slept through on two really tired mornings.

During the week, when Jacob and I have to wake up early to get ready and go to work, the boys like to sleep in.  One day this week, they slept so late that around 8:30 I had to poke my head into their rooms and make sure they weren't victims of carbon monoxide poisoning.  Yes, that was my first thought.  Not the more logical option that maybe they'd snuck out of their beds and were downstairs playing quietly... my mind immediately jumps to odorless chemical poisoning.

I was relieved to find them both still sleeping in their beds and several minutes later, Brody wandered out, sleepy eyed and carrying Little Bear.  I commented on how late he'd slept and he replied "Sometimes when I'm having a good dream, I like to sleep late to stay in it."  I tried to get him to recall his dream, but he couldn't.  I would love to know what little boys dream about, but since he can't remember I'm content to know that he has happy dreams.  Hopefully one day he'll manage to have one of those dreams on a stay-home day so we can all stay in our dreams a little longer.


Speaking of sleeping, last night around 10:15pm, Brody's alarm clock started going off.  He'd obviously played with the buttons at some point, changing the time to 5am and turning on the alarm.  I ran to his room to turn it off and was surprised to see him laying perpendicular in his bed, covers thrown off and his head against the bedside table where the alarm was going off, still sleeping soundly.  He was snoring lightly with his mouth was wide open and was in such a deep sleep that he didn't even stir at the sound of the beeping alarm.  How on earth can he sleep through an alarm that's right next to his head?  He must get that from his Dada.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Life is such a dream

Logan is singing as he plays:
"Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is about the dream"

I like his version.