Monday, February 23, 2015

Best friends

As I was working tonight, Brody quietly asked me if I was ever annoyed by my best friend. He'd been chattering non-stop about all sorts of things since I'd picked him up from school, but his voice changed when he asked me this. I turned around from the computer to face him and said "yes, Dada is my best friend but sometimes he and I need to take a break from each other. It's hard to be around someone all the time, even your best friend." As I was speaking, I was trying to guess who Brody was thinking about. Logan? Cade? Drew? I had settled on Drew when Brody decided my answer was comforting enough to tell me what was going on. Turns out Pratheek can be annoying. I should have guessed that. The boys are in the same class, CASA, Lego club, and Odyssey of the Mind team. He's a fun kid but man.. he's high energy. Yes Brody, you're right. He can be annoying. 

Friday, February 20, 2015


Asks Logan: "Why do they call them board games? Like I'm bored playing this game. That's a really bad name."