Monday, December 14, 2009

New party tricks

Logan is finally sitting up on his own. He's been proficient at it since just before Thanksgiving. We can sit him surrounded by toys and he's happy to entertain himself as long as Jacob or I am within his viewing distance. We still have random instances when he'll be sitting on his own and we'll hear a thud followed by a cry as he's fallen sideways or backwards while reaching for something. Logan calms quickly though so once he's picked up and snuggled for a second, he's usually ready to get back to his toys.

He also started clapping this month and will perform when asked. Brody is learning from us to be completely geeked about silly things like clapping and will say "Look! Logan's clapping! Yaaaaay Logan!", which just makes Logan smile and clap more.

Logan is also teething. We can see two small teeth coming through his bottom gums, which haven't seem to have affected his moods during the daytime at all. He continues to be a happy baby during the day. Nighttime, that's a different story. Logan is waking often and screaming. He screams until we acknowledge him, then calms for a little bit until something sets him off again and the screaming picks back up. He's not feverish or rashing, he's just ANGRY. I forgot how much teething stinks. For the kid and for the parent. I'm excited for these teeth to pop through and hope we get a breather before the next set comes to the surface.

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