Tuesday, August 31, 2010

...and now he's talking!

Logan started talking early, inconsistently using words like ball, fish, duck, quack, car, and cracker. Once he started crawling and then walking, he stopped talking. He regressed entirely and wouldn't say anything. It was like he had to put all of his energy into learning how to move and couldn't think about talking.

Now that he's walking comfortably, the talking has started back up. He calls Jacob and me Dada and Mama, very clearly. "Dada" is loud and punctuated at the end- like he's trying to get Jacob's attention. He says it the same way every time, even if Jacob is right next to him. "Mama" is much softer and is often repeated two or three times like "mamamama".

This morning as I was getting ready for work I heard him talking through the monitor. First he called for Dada (what's that about?? I'm always there to get him in the morning!), then he called for Mama a few times. Finally, he gave up and started playing with the aquarium in his crib, turning on and off the music. I heard him clearly say "fish" as he played and then, as if he was experimenting with the word, he started repeating himself "fish, fissshhh, fissssshhhhhhh, fish".

I remember us wishing Brody would just speak so we could prove Dr. Ben wrong and show that Brody didn't have a speech problem. Now we sometimes wish our little motor mouth would just be quiet for a few minutes so we could have a moment of peace. I guess it's time to prepare ourselves for two motor mouths in the family. Those long car rides are going to be tough!

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