Monday, March 11, 2013


When Brody was three, he would get exasperated when I couldn't separate the superheroes into categories by... I don't even know what to call it.  Universes?  Spiderman goes with Marvel, Superman with DC Comics.  Ironman was in the Avengers, Wonder Woman was a Super Friend.  I grew up in the '80s just like Dada, but he is a boy and he knows these things.  I'm a girl.  Give me time.  I'll figure out how to parent boys, but I need time to catch up.

I finally get a grasp on the superheroes and Logan comes along with his own favorites and new categories.  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles- I can do that.  I remember them.  But Star Wars?  Transformers?  Voltron?  Come on, boys.  I'm a girl.  I'm trying, but there are just so many.

Tonight as I'm putting Logan to bed, he asks me why his Voltron toy is with the Transformers.  Because while the four lions come together to form a transformer-like robot called Voltron, they are not Transformers.  I know this.  I don't know names, but I know that Voltron and the Transformers are different.  Voltron has pilots and... flying lions, I think?  Transformers are aliens who look like robots and then transform into cars, or planes, or dinosaurs.  Autobots  = good.  Decepticons = bad.  I'm trying, but sometimes I feel like I need a cheat sheet.  Or I should start writing clues on my hands so when the boys ask, I can answer correctly without them sighing and going to ask Dada.

Kids are supposed to think their parents know everything... at least when they're 5 and 3, they should.  Mine have no such illusions.  When it comes to their world of "cool", they know how very little I know.  But I'm trying.  And hopefully that's what matters most.

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