Monday, May 24, 2010

"I like to go on the potty"

How many times have Jacob and I scoffed at other parents who said their kid just woke up one day and decided to use the potty? Clearly that wasn't going to work for our 3-year old who screamed every time he sat on it and would rather pee in his pants, or on the floor, anywhere other than in the potty. But Saturday, out of nowhere he told Jacob that he didn't want to wear diapers anymore because they're for babies. That's huge progress but he still wouldn't let himself pee on the potty Saturday. He went once in his pants, once in his diaper during nap, then he held it until bathtime. During bath he was visibly uncomfortable and begging to get a diaper on so I said here, and put a tupperware container in front of him, pee in this. And he did. No hesitation, no crying. Then I poured the pee into the potty and flushed it. We talked about other ways to sit on the potty instead of using his Diego seat. He could sit on the potty without Diego or he could stand on his steps. He seemed open to trying something new.

Sunday he was amazing! He wore big boy underwear all day except for naptime. He had one very small accident on our way to dinner and another right before bedtime. But that's it. He used the potty the rest of the day, including a "quick" trip to Target that turned into an hour-long trip because he needed to use the potty 3 times while there. All successfully. He also made it through dinner at the Japanese Steakhouse with 5 or 6 potty visits. Our next project will be to get him to hold his pee a little better. I'm all for praising him when he goes on the potty but every 15-20 minutes is a bit ridiculous. It's hard to get excited when all he has are drips.

It's up to Miss Shahnaz and Shazia during the day this week to keep his momentum going. He'll be back in big boy underwear in the evening. Hopefully within the next couple of weeks we can start to phase out diapers at daycare and get him into pull ups or big boy underwear- very exciting. We've had two in diapers for so long, it's going to be nice to be down to one!

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