Sunday, May 24, 2009

It's hot, mama

Tonight was not easy. I'm operating on less sleep than I'd like, Logan is still figuring out how to make it through the evening hours without screaming, and Brody wants a lot of attention. I was rather short with Brody after he dumped the contents of a cabinet and then bit me when I told him he couldn't have any of the baby biter biscuits. I used to have so much patience with Brody, but now all of my patience seems to be allocated to Logan and poor Brody is forced to be a big boy all the time. It's usually on nights like this that Brody will do something so adorable that makes the rest of the evening disappear. Tonight, for the first time that I'm aware of, he initiated a game of pretend.

During bath time as I was sitting next to the tub and baby Logan was sleeping in my lap, Brody held up pinched fingers and announced "toast". I had no idea what he was talking about, but then he reached into a cup of water and held up pinched fingers again, saying "toast, mama" and pretended to eat from his fingers. After that he pulled out pizza, fruit, juice, and corn. With the pizza, I asked what kind it was and he told me pepperoni. The fruit was peaches, he explained, and the juice was orange juice. As I began to "eat" the corn, he quickly said "It's hot, mama, hot." Then we both blew on my corn to cool it down before I proceeded to eat it typewriter-style while he watched and smiled.

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