Logan is making different sounds for words now and depending on who you talk to, he has words for ball, bye bye, cracker, duck, and quack. None of them sound exactly like the real word, but he seems to say the same sound each time. Ball is always "gah". Duck is "guck" and usually followed by quack, which is "gack, gack, gack". He lights up when he sees one of these things and gets to use his word, which is adorable.
We had a birthday party for Logan yesterday with the Plummers and the Weavers. It was a full house and the cousins entertained Logan quite a bit. Wilson's peek-a-boo could keep Logan interested for hours. By the time everyone left, Logan was exhausted. He fell asleep on Jacob's shoulder while watching TV in the basement.
This morning he ate a huge piece of coffee cake for breakfast (well, it is his birthday) then finished off Brody's piece too. Tomorrow he has his one-year check up at the doctor where I'm ready to be scolded for Logan's lack of crawling. Hopefully everything else is good news as our happy little one year old keeps growing and developing into a toddler.
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