Sunday, March 27, 2011

Wake up!

Brody and Jacob spent a long weekend at the cabin with Paw Paw and Jeff, leaving Logan and me to have quality time together. We went for Thai food Friday night and the staff fawned over Logan, who was on his best behavior. We went to Katie's house Saturday to play with Evelyn and Charlotte and everyone got along very well and had a great time playing. Logan in general is just a very happy little boy right now and I can't think of any time when he fussed this weekend.

My workload at the office is heavy right now and I've been staying up after the kids go to bed to catch up on work. This weekend, with Brody and Jacob out of town, I took the opportunity to work every moment that Logan was sleeping. By Sunday morning, I was sleep-deprived and exhausted. When Logan woke up, I grabbed him from the crib and plopped him in my bed to watch Yo Gabba Gabba and (what else?) Chuggington. He watched while I snoozed. I must have been out by the time Chuggington was over because I woke up to find Logan climbing across my body, going nose to nose with me saying "mama, wake up! wake up!" We sometimes play a game where he tells me to sleep, so I close my eyes and fake snore, then he tells me to wake up and I jolt awake. In the future I need to be more aware of the consequences of our games. I really could have used another half hour of sleep but when that adorable face is crammed against yours telling you to wake up, your only option is to crawl out of bed and go play.

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