Sunday, July 3, 2011


Here are a few snippets of conversations that occurred in our household over the past week:

Brody, at the cookout after Dada's hockey game, picks a leaf off the tree and eats it. Then walks over to the group and tells everyone "That is NOT basil."

Logan, who I affectionately call "monkey" when I say goodnight, has an angry voice that he uses when he's being defiant. It's low and gravelly, like he's talking with his chin pressed into his chest. Brody fakes taking a picture of him with his viewfinder, then shows Logan the picture through the viewfinder, saying "Look Logan, you're a giraffe!" Logan, in his angry voice shoots back "I'm NOT a giraffe, I'm a MONKEY."

Brody asks to use the bathroom while visiting with Aunt Judy and Uncle Don. I take him and as he's peeing, he tells me "Mama, their potty is beautifuller than ours."

We have very little silence in our lives right now, so it's nice that some of their chatter results in laughter.

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