Thursday, July 28, 2011

Rock Out

Brody has known how to make devil horns for a couple of years now. When Jacob cranks up Metallica or something like it, Brody will "rock out" with his devil horns and some light head banging, which really just looks like he's rocking forwards and backwards. Logan tries to copy him, but his hands end up looking like Edward Scissorhands. He hasn't quite figured out how to arrange his fingers. This morning as we loaded into the car, Wallflowers "One Headlight" was playing on the radio and Logan said "I rock out!", did his Scissorhands impression and started rocking back and forth. For those of you who don't know the song, One Headlight is not a "rock out" kind of song. It's slow and melodic. Jacob would not be proud.

Update 7/29: As I pulled out of the driveway this morning Logan called out from his carseat behind me saying "here Mama", which means he wants to hand me something. Most of the time this is because he has too many toys in his hands and needs to free one up. I reach back and he gives me his full bag of Fruit Loops, the only thing he had in his hands. Then he tells me "I rock out!"... to Phil Collins "I don't care anymore". Maybe this is my fault. I should pay better attention to what's on the radio when the kids are in the car. Phil Collins? Really?

In other news...
Yesterday morning, Brody was in the bathroom brushing his teeth and said "Look Mama, I can make a girl face" and proceeded to put his chin down a little bit, make his eyes really big, turn his head to the side, and open his mouth slightly. What the heck is that? And more importantly, where did he learn that?

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